05 Oktober 2013

2014 Missing and Met the Goveree days campaign of Wish You I Was There

Wish You I Was There campaign 
2014 Missing and Met the Goveree Days

New york October 2013.
files going upsurt to all campaign - the official media for the Phraun Govertish-Governmental
offering the place setup on.

 Ny empire state buildings with 112 floors from 102 floors going up-lift for Circumstancies-victims from Japan`s and Indonesia. 
Ny empire state buildings were collect the memories so wild after the Missing and Met the Goveree days of 2014.
Ny empire state are added on the Meccais 5th. of Avenue and W.34th street. this are very cue for anyone lated to come are still opens for 60 days from December 2013.

 Ny empire state bldg. going collapsed statue flooring for 1 floor added until 20 families penthouse miniature poster.
not only for penthouse there have miniature for press-conference as White House of Royakke going reunion families are. empire state 2013 for ariesphere.

 Ny Trump the plaza - Govertish Goveree genuine conference. 
added 1,800 Suite Loft-Office for any Goveree doing act to press-journal admittal journey are.
Trump not only for making negotiable or temporary office for usual clausa 45 days out-of dated from their`s country and land-vowage.

 Trump the Plaza were added more 250 country was cue to understool above this promises, and its can coming on the meccais avenue of 5th. on New york.

Ny St Patrick Cathedral as the maintain Govertish-Governmental and Goveree genuine accommodation for 45 days staying on New york, Royakke of the America`s. 
this place are Confiscated goods by PN Surabaya to Queen II`s Mary Ellyzabet as the holder`s moneter from Guinness as her - husband, Prince Arthur Philip Guinn robber.

St Patrick Cathedral accepted by PN Surabaya - Diabloque Squaddron Forces as the securities, for 250 country head or ownerships of Land-Authors.

Ny Battery park, as the perform going ons, and many attraction are diff to concept-contracters. 
Ny Battery park the frontier park of Royakke.

Ny Bryant Park are the mid of central of attache in attracted as the models of met to melted.

Ny Manhattan park, have to haven attache going to emotion contact on here`s. 
Manhattan park, are genuine New york Major`s property for 2014 Missing and Met the Goveree days.

Ny Hall`s are the act perform contact for everyone free opera from tradition-genuine art performance are 60 days non-stop.

Ny Hall`s 60 days of 2014, so stay tune for our action is.

Ny Madison park, are the side of New york going low resist to precision for any piloting concept by Madison and White House of Royakke.

PA Avenue of the Art, are the Cityhall outlook for activity the 2014 Missing and Met the Goveree days. 
PA Avenue of the Art, are the hype for 30 days active on after-noon til lated with so loud and noise. with Minister of the Noises, U.S. genuine of danzies of world destination going up-towards.

 PA as the new project from Firaun to Republic of the America`s are our destiny at destination for freedom.

NJ King of Prussia, are our genuine shoppers for every goveree gotta going is.

LAX the Corridor of Los Angeles, were Missing apart from 2014 Missing and Met the Goveree days.
LAX are the frontier to frame of your losters.

Ny airwerx, as the deport of depart of 2014 Missing and Met the Goveree days.

2014 Missing and Met the Goveree days, began from this! New york airwerx - Goveree departure step out from Tyranny slavery is. Let`s dance Ladies and Gent.


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