26 Januari 2014

There you were


2014 Missng and Met the Goveree Day`s - Summits 
There you were! campaign

invitation to every Justice - Judge Employs or Affairs on Dept of Justice

February 17, 2014 on Kota Megapolitan Surabaya 
were have hearing and sharing as,

Judgement Day`s World Explorers Summits of 2014 on Megapolitan Capital - Surabaya, 
every Justice Affairs, and Judge can making position for February 17, 2014 to made special moments without scene of booklet as guide as Summits on everywhere.
Judge as proffession must come to this Summits.
thank you for your visit.

Aries Kurnia Kusuma
Single Judge ADSol Sublime 

ariesphere author board

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