18 Agustus 2015

invoice there add symbiosa Colonial were attack

Aries Kurnia Kusuma holder authen UltraSign Pattent 000000 VETO DJ

There over here, on Kota Madya Surabaya who maded to coop kudeta for not pick me out from Tyrant hostages of Negara Republic of the Indonesia, there Colonial English are wins to help out Qu'ran Qu'bbila the Qu'bbila Khan with Andaman & Nikobar who wins today as 19 Aug 2015 who arranged the Earth, Wind & Fire Fore who forecast still tempt to Money or Vagina! 
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Like this Negara Republic of the Indonesia still wont give up as Aries need are must run from Jerk situated who added the Block of Third World is must to wins to attached 
There situated are must to look foreward when have alive victim are still in danger who Negara still party over reaction for Ceremony who have wins from rob to Ethan Hawk Watanabe (Aries Kurnia Kusuma) who coopted Aries is slave for fucky ass Hole with use name Ma Tjien En 
as name of slavery bondage for Ayo Kerja with name temp as Kementerian Informasi Negara Republik Indonesia 
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There information who must Aries to extra work for China & Foreigner can give heart to help there out as have Third World as pauper are must to be conglomeratcy when added the worst causes who China & Colonial English on Andaman & Nikobar must wins to every loyal to atop serve the sex or money as Aries have today 
Let see the wins 


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