25 November 2015

See the truth of evident


After tonight (25/11/2015) ahead evident as Money, Diamond & Documents on Pt. N.V. Bank Indonesia® Co. Ltd. Surabaya® there Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini are made clip to evident add Death bodies of Girls Scholar name, Rina Melaty & Puput Melati even Elementories scholarship are aged is boned, on ground floor ahead babies death there autopsy by UNAIR Surabaya (University Airlangga) to collect as organ bodies sells, 
Vice President of Jusuf Kalla investigate on top floor whose ahead his FAM death in family rift he investigate on refrigeration near of Erlangga Bodied, who caught 25 Babies tube on glass canning. Who Aries Kurnia Kusuma are must to quick respond when forensic must using Telepathy add H.A.L.O. ops kudeta, there comparison must to see on SatCom Screening for see a truth well come from.
Aries were call to President Jokowi via Telepathy when must to see on Australia Labs & Civic LIBBY who ahead same with babies on tube, Kzar Viktor (Sylvester Stallone) call by Aries via telepathy to must collect friend on America who duty are must collect babies tube on glass canning, while ahead PKC (Partaisan Kommunist Chinese) there seeking whore must to collect organ body in charged by economic setup to pressing pressure.
This causes still in moved either way have extradition from Surabaya Java Paragon Suite add Death bodies via added Michael Jackson saved all heritage of Aries monetter from Capitol Hill Washington DC USA for added 50 unite mobile 
See the truth of fight hike...


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