11 Januari 2014

2014 Missng and Met

2014 Missng and Met the Goveree day`s - Summits 
New york, United States

from this blog, 
Ariesphere glad to thank you very much for your kindless to be visiter around this note-blogs
Happy New Year`s 2014 that remembered still have day is.

now we can upload more on my account of arieskusuma as the facebook site as added victimmea et circumstance,
and we upload who`s wanted as Fugitive et pro-reilm Custodya Justice is.


 King El-Fahd Al` Qati are King Czar from Egypt that many way for Boycott the barricade of The Government Day`s - Summits 2014 on New york, United States.
King El-Fahd using El-Shinta Group (World Terrorist Group) from  Negara Republik Indonesia as Jakarta. that El-Fahd not alone is, have Bulan Sabit Merah Turkiye (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia) and NATO - OPEC for etop the World as Fa`rrao the 3rd. were begun to rebild is, the Goveree day`s - Summits on New york, United States.

hope this issued are granty from you to all, soon, The Government Day`s - Summits bring from Victimmea et Circumstances as added myown account as facebook and twitter is.
New york not only Meccais tonight, see our spin-networks over the world,

New york, United States
Pennsylvania, Republic of the America`s
New Jersey, United States
Washington D.C., Royakke of the Ammeri`s
Hawaii, United States
as the Maintain Center of event / summits were completed the 60 days from July 2014-September 2014 with 69 fits - Country lands were gathering is.

and still have connection for this part of events the reilm is,


and many more..

as the XIMVV HEX - MCMVI the Govertish-Govertmental defeated XIIMV V HEIX - MCMVI Diaconnie Mondial Mondea Fia`aum, have innagurated crowned to Tzar 2`s Dr. Ev. Bhedy Prawiro B.th. B.Sci. B.A. as the Tzar (Caesar)
that have crowny as Tzar 2`s dancer as

Queen Mary Ellyzabet 
King Kwik Kian Gie
King Victor Emmanuelle

to this special occassin on New york St. Patrick Cathedral and W.A. Penthouse of Rovakki, that have no authentic for 3`r Firaun as the Principal of Diabloque Daicon Modial Modera XIMVV HEX - MCMVI Ephoc Emporio of the Phraun (Farao) as, Maurice Duncan Kusuma XIMVV HEX - MCMVI.
and everyone can bring the happiness for that occassin as the special ceremonies with Dancing party as 50% rebate for all products on around the worldwide (premier on Primer, Secundary and Tertier as Common Commodities as Dimerlets as Starlit accommodation) until set of Capital venue the Epoc Capital are variant to the World or completed the products innaguration serve on timed.

you can see our epic episode of 2014 the setter genuine, with director as Temporary duty force of New york Major`s as Govertish, Sir Donald E. Trump

2014 copyrights reserved Madsnakentertainments for Chassio Hurricane as the 2014 Missng and Met the Goveree day`s - summits

as Ariesphere, we glad to thank you that lifted the Tzar 2`s Fia`aum as the Legendary of Dime venue managable of moneter as the #1st time from United State of the Am-Meri`s. name as, Dr. Ev. Bhedy Prawiro B.th. B.Sci. B.A. are Caesar 2`s Fia`aum, who King IV`s Edward Phillyphus were set to Coin as Dime on 10 cents of United States Dollar`s
let today, you all can enjoying the 50% REBATE from our hospitality as Diaconnie Mondial Mondea XIIMV V HEIX - MCMVI the Govertish-Govertmental. 

Don`t see our commercial of this,
that only for Marvell`s as the members of the 

           Captain Ammeri`s were begun to fall when have no one follow the instruction is,
as Captain Ammeri`s on the Founder of the Marvell`s 
are the only one to leading the SHIELD of Star and Stripe is,

ariesphere the author board

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