05 Juli 2014

2015 is your home


Missing and Met the Government day`s - Summits 
2 May 2015 - 2 August 2015
Rovakk o` Am-Meri (ex- United States of America & American-Pan)
Aino`s (ex- Japan`s)

2014 Warner Music Entertainments to Ariesphere campaign as 2015 is your home

Radio Station Braodcast on everywhere were played this song`s? 
i think you can chease for this information details above this songs that have care-heart from Sovereign Odd`s New york 1977 as Modiva Ceruti 1977 Timepieces of MARSK will cover your day to straight starlight on our beloved father`s as FIA`AUM XIIMV V-HEIX MCMVI (Fa`ra`o the 499,999) Dr. Ev. Bhedy Prawiro B.Th. B.Sci. B.A. on New york Empire State Building 
or you can call to every radio station for helpful calling to every Mayor`s or even have recognized as Aries Koernia Koesoema or Maurice Duncan Koesoema as name on facebook account there have full enforcement act legal from every Armed Forces to protect you,

thank you for your kindly respect, 

ariesphere are friend as your date is stranger.. hoped you will suprise there we can spend date for help as stranged will not forget about our day on writing block is,

calling from you are very safe.. but isn`t so far away.. New york is our home..

STRANGE is fear code 
STRUNG is power code
STRAVE is weak code
STAIRS is hope code
STAIN is our code

Thank you, but this code are very strange when you can call with your local Radio Station Broadcast ON-AIR

this logo are toughed when every ON-AIR Radio Station were played the Campaign retrieve for Ammeri`s (United States of America & American-Pan),
from ariesphere there have code as the Foundership of BILLBOARD-JILLBOARD (RC`s) were thanksful when you was helping hand to every victims et circumstance.

Billboard will giving presentation morely, late when you were present it frontage, we committed we can standing still until May 2,2015 


ariesphere author-board

2015 are great date of World Missing will met the reunion or something to made life so surely, thick time then we can share on every moment that have summits, events, bazaar, families gathering day of reunion pasca heading the hostages or missing tempted the families, related courage or some kind of kins the argument, ariesphere the hub-media massa OFFLINE from Aries Koernia Koesoema account of facebook, 
2014 all rights reserved to 2014 copyrights reserved ariesphere are media massa of Aries Kurnia Kusuma the mansion natte of Sovereign Ordinarie Neu Youngisters 2014 (Spot from Sovereign 1977 the MARSK-MAERSK Modiva Ceruti 1977) and spotlight from foundership HQ of DODGERS DODGE. campaign of Missing and Met the Government Day`s - Summits 

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