09 September 2013

#heading post

ariesphere, #heading post for Syrian

 as people today know him better the terrorist of World-wide are Bashar Al-Assad are twinkle of spark the terrorist from Syrian the Cyprus of Polanska (Poland the Pol Pot`s of Slave from Morothay)
Assad are set the war within U.S. Govertish-Governmental on every media who said, Physco War only.
not for Indonesia Soldier are, Syrian must obeyence to our rude in revenge by blood-taker.
not only lowered the flag and tore the flag belongs to Indonesia in the palace compound Bangawan Kartosuro, Sala. at 1952, Syria and Thailand as Prigly `and some of the others are part of the plan Turkiye red crescent flag occurs simultaneously tearing them also belong to a vaginal tear them being occupied by the army which claimed are Hisbool of Nazi forces (Benz Hasbool) at the Palace Bangawan Kartosuro, Solo.

 He is Eko Tralala as brother of Assad as seen last for Assad the judge DEAD by Indonesia Force tonight (9/9) Eko Tralala can not see again his brother even the terrorist anti force from Indonesia are making cue on Syria with Virtual Bomb as opener the wars. 
Assad Syria are the cue from Iraq who Ariesphere beg to Iraq to retrieve a moment as Assad and Syria are Terrorist frame on Indonesia as Thailand Liem Boen Liong and Lo Tjeng Gwan (Boediono Tjandra) the Baron of Sugar who steal from P.G. Nusantara with Hasan Angkawidjaja and Prigly` the King of Thay.

P.O.D. (payance of dead) are XIMVV troop of guardiance who they must set the Chevron for Missing and Met on NY and then they must go tie on wars with Atari Teenage Riot and Limp Bizkit.
P.O.D. set the Rapper Street Boys the Return soon 

#Syria on 10 September 2013 are must retrieve from any flags even never again to see clear eyes as G.O.D. sent that for see, Syrian the Monako must paid same as war treatment who tear the Vagina of Royal and Guest Kingdom of Celeopatra (Cleopatria) on Karaton Bangawan Kartosuro and tooked terrytorial (as same as US Navy today on Twitter acceptance China Marine as Leoprozy suspect-accute and terrorist at US promises land and outcome for finance so high risks too)
#China must as same condition with Syria but have promises to strongth first to aid that condition as soon as possible who China are Terrorist to lifting the KING`S of Thay as Prigly` and Hasan Angkawidjaja and Spain as wife of Assad who killing Ollive the Mc.Donalds (tm) with rapid as slave -sex on every country land who identified her name is.
#Venezuela the Maduro palais who save Baron of Cyber, Edward F. Snowden and NSA the National Security Act from Thailand with IRS who must paid all account who claim by name of Tzar (Caesar) Govertish - Government for Tjeng Gwan and Silvester Ivo Budiono who Prigly` daughter and son involve for lift up name by owe and 

fraud, coercion with pitting, robbery and coercion and debt payments without using witchcraft to get the names and identities of Aries Kurnia Kusuma XIMVV HEX - MCMVI | XCLI-CLIO order to gain the support of artists and the political party that has led the company in the plot to run .

how come #Thailand must no more as added usual at ATLAS as the country of pauper leprosy and can not live as well as usual.


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